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June 2008 Work Weekend Jobs and Successes!

The June 21-22, 2008 work weekend was a huge success. Nearly 100 volunteers were fed Saturday night at Airport Flat and another 20 helped out at Spider Lake. Awesome turnout for a productive event.

Six (6) major jobs were all being done at once under the command of Deborah Pulskamp, Incident Commander (VLLS #3 Graduate) for the Airport Flat side, and John Arenz, Incident Commander for the Spider Lake Ham job. I was with Deborah and she really did a marvelous job and all the volunteers were kept productively busy, and the jobs got done! The HAM vault made marvelous progress and is nearly done.

We have to extend a special thanks to the Rubicon Trail Foundation for their support, coordination, advocacy for our trail and general funding assistance. Those folks are big time helping us save our trail for future generations.

Those jobs on the Airport Flat (Loon) side included:

Kiosk Staffing, Visitor Communications and Trail Patrol

Alligator Pit/Gatekeeper Area Erosion Control Mitigation

Trail Signage

Wentworth Springs Campground Cleanup and Maintenance

Lower Fence Addition (Preparation and Stockpiling)

Spider Lake side:

HAM Repeater Vault Construction (Spider Lake)

Not to mention at GREAT Saturday night BBQ dinner sponsored by the Rubicon Trail Foundation,, Safeway of Pollock Pines, and Dennis Mayer.

(Click any image for a larger photo. All photos by Del Albright unless noted otherwise)

HAM Repater Vault in early stages at Spider Lake. Photo by Dennis Mayer

CLICK for big

As the building (vault) went up. Photo by Dennis Mayer

The masons and their block building. Photo by Dennis Mayer

Here's a look at the base camp at Airport Flat where Stacie and I had the BlueRibbon Coalition booth and FOTR sign-in table.

Saturday morning briefing by Deborah Pulskamp, Incident Commander, and Jacquelyn Theisen (Bebe), Safety Office and Chief Cook (Team Leader). Photo by Stacie

Bebe gives the volunteers a run down of safety issues (part of every FOTR job briefing). Photo by Stacie

This crew is hard at work in the area near the Alligator Pit, doing erosion control mitigation and trail maintenance.

Loading trailers wtih rocks is a job done by hand most times, and here the smiling rock crew shows how much fun it really is.

Joe Pasic and his nephew Jake were the sign team and they laid some reflectors!

Tim Main was our main trailer hauler to get things going. His rock trailer is really well-built and one heck of a stable rock mover.

If anyone is confused as to why we love the Rubicon Trail and the Eldorado National Forest, this scene tells part of the tale as Stacie overlooks Gerle Creek.


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