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Stop the Stink

Stop the Stink!
Public lands in trouble but help is on the way

By Del Albright
 CA4WDA Life Member

It stinks! – some of the things happening to our country these days.  It stinks! -  what some people are trying to do to our public lands.  There is a “smell” to the undercurrent that is nit-picking at our freedoms and it is time to “Stop the Stink!”

It stinks that a well-funded bunch of anti-access folks are influential enough to turn our mountains and deserts into untouchable museums viewed from afar; that these same folks who don’t like motors would want to see us park all our toys in the garage; and it really stinks to see gates going up on trails and roads we’ve enjoyed for decades.  We must stop the stink and soon.

Many organized recreation groups are tired of the “smell” and doing something about it.  You have to be a part of stopping this stink in order for the war on access to be won, this plan is not complicated!

Read/download article in Adobe (.pdf) here.

Calif. 4Wheel Drive Assoc.


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